Sweet 16 Pictures | Memory Grove Park | Maria

Maria is one of those girls that you meet and you instantly want to be best friends! She is so sweet and kindness just oozes from her. I am extremely lucky to know her and utilize her skills as a phenomenal babysitter. I can’t find anyone more that I trust to watch my little guy! So when her mother contacted me wanted to celebrate and commemorate Maria turning 16 by doing a fun photoshoot I was ecstatic! Not to mention honored they would ask me!! You know this girl is loved because when I showed up not just her mother but her father as well came along just as moral support. We showed up at Memory Grove Park, which is one of our favorite places. Maria and her family hadn’t been to most of the park so it was fun to show they different spots that were new for them. Due to the COVID-19 coronavirus quarantine, the park was SO full. The fullest I have ever seen it. Families on a picnic, friends hanging out, and lots and lots of dog owners walking their dogs. But we were still able to take some fun photos of Maria and as you can see she looked beautiful!!!