Salt Lake City Temple & The Garden Place | Wedding Day | Lehi + Kathleen

Salt Lake City Temple Wedding

Lehi + Kathleen

Being a part of Lehi and Kathleen’s Salt Lake City Temple Wedding and reception at The Garden Place at Heritage Park was such a wonderful experience! I got to be a part of some wonderful cultural traditions and celebrations! I loved witnessing all of it. I’m sure you guys already know how adorable these two are together. And if you don’t, then you need to check out their engagement session at Saltair and read all about their love story and proposal! Seriously, they’re perfect together!

These two started their day with an LDS temple sealing at the Salt Lake City temple. I love waiting for my couples to come out of the temple. The joy and love between the two of them just glows! Kathleen and Lehi had a large bridal party that lined up on either side of the exit of the temple to welcome them as newlyweds!



The Garden Place at Heritage Park

After family and bridal party portraits at the temple, we all met back up at their reception location. The Garden Place at Heritage Park was the perfect location for their celebratory dances! When Lehi and Kathleen entered the room, they were welcomed with their very own personal hula dancer. She then lay two meile lei’s on them. We saw more dancing, and not just mother/son father daughter dances either! I think this was the BEST money dance I’ve seen. There was literally dollar bills raining down on them! Their families and friends lifted them up in pure love and celebration. It was such a beautiful thing to witness!

Their love for each other was evident in the way they spoke about one another to me. Kathleen says that she loves that  “Lehi can take any situation and turn it into a good one. He’s always smiling and making the best out of things. In the midst of always trying to stay positive, he always manages to keep me laughing and smiling.” Lehi responded in equal praise, “She means everything to me. She’s my best friend. You can’t see me and not think, ‘Where’s Kat?’ Shoot, when I look in the mirror I catch myself saying the same thing. I love her with all my heart, always have…lus, she laughs at my jokes and I’m nowhere close to funny.”