Hello! It is one of the most important things to me to click with your wedding photographer! Heck it is important to click with the photographer of any of your photo shoots! You want photos that truly capture your true self and real life moments! Well to do that you need to feel comfortable! Here is a little bit of my story, if you feel yourself intrigued and wanting to know more, shoot me a message! I would love to get to know you better too!
Here is a more in depth look at whose behind the camera of McKenna Rose Photography!
So first things first, I am a wife to a very handsome Chiropractor (yes I get adjusted whenever I ask AND he has a massage therapist in his office so thats a nice perk as well!) a step mother to two beautiful and spunky children, a singer and lover of all things funny, beautiful and sentimental!! We are currently working to build our sweet family and just waiting for the man upstairs to send us another little one.
I love living in Utah because for 10 years after high school I moved all over thinking I never wanted to live in Utah (NYC, FL, Wisconsin, Minnesota, CA) BUT I finally returned home and realized I wasn’t seeing so much of what this state had to offer me!
I am a master at teaching my step kids how to spell things incorrectly (even step parents ruin children :p ) getting lost researching randomness on the internet or pinning on Pinterest (it seriously is the only things that makes me fall asleep at night!) and shamefully always looking for the next amazing diet that can make me lose weight by just thinking about it! haha
Most of the time you can find me sitting with my laptop, editing or surfing the internet or playing my guitar for sweet elderly people on their way out of this gorgeous world!
I love TV and my hubby and I watch far too much of it! We love Blacklist, Person of Interest, The Office, Big Bang Theory, Parks and Rec and I will always and forever be a huge fan of Friends!!! I do love those cheaply made Chrisitan inspirational movies as well! Nothing fills my hope jar more than a tear jerking story about love, loss and how overcoming life with faith in God works!
Since I was a young girl I was obsessed with all things weddings. I myself did not get married till I was 30 but was lucky enough to witness and be apart of many many weddings of friends and family before my own day came along. Witnessing so many gorgeous amazing wedding days I came to realize what these celebrations really are. For all the pieces to fall into place (two people meeting, being in compatible places in their life, getting through the trial of dating and being ready to emotionally commit) the only thing I have found to accurately describe a wedding is, A Miracle. It happens every single day 100s of times, but it still is a miracle. A baby is a miracle as well and you once were a baby and your fiancé once was a baby, so you are just continuing a miracle that started when your parents decided to get married and have a child. Without that miracle we wouldn’t be celebrating your big day, and one day you will be the parents celebrating the miracle of your children finding their one and only and committing to them for forever!
Here’s a little personal history of my life, right after high school I moved to NYC to study musical theater at AMDA. I lived there for 4 years, working mostly as a waitress (total cliche) while doing small theater productions here and there. I also traveled with my friends and just enjoyed being single in a big city. Finally I realized this was not the way I wanted life to continue so after a year of searching for the right path, I came across Music Therapy! This was truly an answer to my prayers. I figured I had to go to college or I wouldn’t make enough money doing anything else. So I went to USU for Music Therapy. While I was in that program I basically wanted to quit like 10 times due to how difficult and emotionally challenging the work was and this is where I became intrigued by Photography. I have always loved a gorgeous landscape of mountains or sunset over the beach and me and my roommates would go have some fun up in the mountains around fall time practicing with my first DSLR camera, but I never thought I could be a professional photographer because I had no formal schooling for it and one of my roommates was actually going to school for photography. So I pursued my life in Music Therapy. About a year into being a professional music therapist at a mental hospital here in the valley, I ran into a friend who was also in the program at USU but she was now a full time wedding photographer. I talked with her and she encouraged me to give my dream a shot! At that time I didn’t even know that this was a dream of mine, I just knew I had spent years of my youth planning weddings and collecting gorgeous wedding photos and that I was not happy doing music therapy.
SO I dived in. I started with free services and asking any friend I knew if I could bring my camera along with me to a wedding (of course being extremely aware and not getting in the way of the hired photographer) and eventually landed my first paid wedding and that is when I truly fell in love with wedding photography! Here’s a little secret -There is a part of me that feels drawn to wedding planning as well, i just love helping an event run through it’s plan smoothly – so with me as your wedding photographer I tend to help all parts move along, assisting where I can while not compromising the photo coverage!
I am an avid fan of self improvement books, classes, seminars and conversations. I truly believe that we all operate in our lives with stories & beliefs about everything. These stories lead us to our choices and actions which eventually create our results, our character and our lives! Improving my story to create the things in my life I want, need and care about, is a challenge I gratefully know about and work on every day!
I am LDS and do believe the principles and gospel I have been taught through my experiences with the LDS church. I am grateful though, for the time I spent outside of Utah where I was able to meet so many different people and ideas and beliefs so that I not only understand more clearly what I believe to be true, but I can compassionately accept others who don’t agree with me. If everyone knew how to disagree and still love, accept and support that person you disagree with, it would seriously change the world we live in!
It’s important to mention at this point that I truly love all weddings! No matter the religious foundation, traditions or anything else! I am beyond honored to be hired as anyones wedding photographer because it is my main goal to make the wedding couple feel as special, unique, loved, supported and beautiful as they already are!
Well that is a little bit about me. Do you have any questions? Or I would love to hear about a random fact about you and your life! Where are you from? What is your favorite TV show? What did you study in school? How many kids do you have? What was your favorite thing about your wedding?