Father’s Day is just around the corner. I’m sure you’ve already thought about how you’re going to wish your own Dad a Happy Father’s Day. But what about you newlyweds out there….without any kids? What if it’s your FIRST Father’s day being officially married? What do you do? Here are a few ideas for you wives trying to figure out the best way to honor your newlywed husband on your first Father’s Day together.
Write Him a Letter (or two)
Guys can appreciate a hand-written note just as much as women can. He deserves to hear all the amazing qualities about himself that not only made you fall in love with him, but also – the things that will one day make him such a great father to your children. You could even write two letters – one he can open up now, and another he opens up on the day he finds out you’re pregnant or the day your baby is born. Which leads me to my next idea…
Make a Time Capsule
Fill a small box with a few sentimental items. A photo of you two, a letter (like the one I mentioned above), maybe a “New Dad” t-shirt or mug. Fun, celebratory items. Then seal it and wrap it in brown paper. Label it as the Fatherhood Capsule. Tell your hubby that, while you know he’s not a dad yet, you’re excited for him to step into that role whenever the timing is right. And, when it is, THAT’S when he gets to open this gift. It’s a fun way to show that you’re looking forward to that stage in life, but still enjoying the one you’re in.
Make Sure Your Pet Remembers
If you two have any pets together, a fun light-hearted way to say “Happy Father’s Day” to your husband is to remind your dog (or cat. Or…fish) that he deserves a card from them 😉

Allow Him Time With His Own Father
If your husband has a good relationship with his own father, encourage him to spend the day with him. Maybe even gift the two of them an activity to do together like going golfing, catching a move in the theater, or some other activity that they enjoy together. Allowing him to honor his own father on Father’s Day demonstrates to him that you value fatherhood now, and that you’ll continue to do so when he becomes a father of his own.
Love Him
Lastly, but probably most important – just love him for who he is now! Don’t make him feel pressured about becoming a father if you two aren’t there yet. Do things together that you know he enjoys. Spoil him just like you would on any other special occasion. Take him to do something you know he loves to do, even if it’s not your favorite activity (and if that means “practicing” for baby-making well then….so be it 😉 ) Or maybe simply just let him off the hook for dishes that night. You decide! Ha!
I know, I know – some people think that wives don’t need to treat their husbands special on Father’s Day. After all, he’s not your Father, he’s your husband. But I think taking those opportunities to make something special happen in your marriage, or having an excuse to be a little extra loving, or to write that note of appreciation – that’s what makes the ordinary extraordinary. Your first year of marriage helps to set patterns for the rest of your marriage – what’s wrong with adding another way to show each other you care?