For Grooms: Honoring Your Newlywed Wife on Mother’s Day

how to honor your newlywed wife on her first mother's day

To my Mckenna Rose Grooms,
I see you, too. I haven’t forgotten about you. I know there is a lot of pressure for you to remember #alltheholidays and celebrate #allthethings – especially during the first year of marriage. With Mother’s Day coming up, maybe you’re not sure the best way to honor your wife. If it’s your first year of marriage, then most likely she’s not an “official” mom yet (or maybe she is and you can STILL use these ideas!). But, if you want some extra brownie points with her, I wouldn’t brush this holiday off just yet. Don’t forget that this holiday is a celebration of Motherhood and Mothering in general, and this can be demonstrated in more ways than just bearing children. And, since she is the mother of any future children possibly coming into your family, I promise she will melt knowing that you appreciate her for the future role she will play. So here are a few simple ideas for you to make her first Mother’s Day as a wife a special one.

Honoring Your Newlywed Wife on Mother’s Day

how to honor your newlywed wife on her first mother's day

1. Write a letter to her

I think I speak for most women when I say that you can’t go wrong using words to show your love. And while a card isn’t a bad idea, a handwritten letter on a thin sheet of lined paper is going to mean so much more to her than someone else’s words and your name signed at the bottom. Not sure what to write? Make a list of 5 things she does that shows you she’s going to (one day) be the best mom ever. Or tell her the first time you realized you wanted her to be the mother of your future kids. Tell her how you will support her, whenever the time comes, in the role of parenting.

2. Help her with all household tasks

What household chores do you usually find her stressing over the most? Does she love having the dishes clean? Make the house as warm and inviting for her as possible. Do a load of laundry, maybe even spruce up the bathroom! Make dinner! This is NOT me assuming you don’t already help out with the house, or that it is normally HER doing all the household tasks. I’m just suggesting that whatever chores you usually find her doing, do them for her so she has one less thing to stress about.

Engagements with red head man in blue checkered shirt

3. Honor HER mother

Sending flowers or a card (go ahead and buy the card for this situation 😉 ) to HER mother will go a long ways in the eyes of your wife. A simple message to thank her for raising such a wonderful daughter will make EVERYONE in the family happy. It’s a thoughtful touch that goes above and beyond, and it won’t go unnoticed.

Bride with her mother at the Timpanogas Temple in Utah

4. Don’t forget your own mother

Of course. I couldn’t leave this one out. Choosing to show your love and appreciation to your own mother demonstrates to your wife that you’ll teach your kids to honor their mother, too.

Groom kissing his mother on his wedding day


So there you have it, grooms. Just a few ideas to honor your new wife during this first married Mother’s Day. There’s nothing extravagent here. There’s only simple thoughtfulness. It’s amazing how much good the words “Thank you” and “I love you” can do for any relationship.



Mckenna is a Utah wedding photographer serving Davis County, Salt Lake, Weber County, and Utah County.Â