When Sami West from Signature Bride and Designs asks you to come and take photos of her gorgeous friends for Valentine’s Day you don’t say no, because you KNOW it’s gonna be epic!
When I arrived at Signature Bride Design’s office and the salon I was instantly in love. As you walk into what used to be an Ogden post office building you are surrounded by gorgeous marble and decor details. I was all smiles.
Then as I entered the Signature Bride and Designs office it just kept getting better. It was classy, beautiful and full of yummy bright light.
I was introduced to my two gorgeous models. This sweet couple was so much fun to photograph. Cecelie was naturally just stunning in every movement and smile. Her gorgeous man, Devin, was the best sport to do these photos with her but you can tell he really can’t help but enjoy himself lovin’ on his sexy lady!
One of the best parts is that these two love birds recently got engaged!! So fun to showcase their love and beauty and watch their journey together!